Some of you know what i do for a living, If you dont, Im a plow jockey for the state of Michigan, Anyways, Yesterday while plowing and salting the road which seemed like it never was going to stop snowing. I see a JEEP Liberty ahead of me in the right lane, maybe doing about 50 to 60 MPH, Going nice & straight down the road, then all of a sudden i see the rear end go to the right a little, then it vilolently went side to side real hurky jerky like, then shot stright toward the midian, right where a road go's over the highway, straight on into the 1 st concreat pillar that helps suport the bridge, Bouces off of that, and slides down the median abot 50 feet. was pretty wild to see, but i see stuff like this all the time. Sorry for so winded on story. Point i am getting @ is, this is why i wonder if it has some traction control, Because the road really was not bad @ that time, and the JEEP broke loose a little, But then went crazy, like something was kicking in and out, HArd to explain what i saw, But i see this happend all the time, And this looked different.
Sounds to me like driver inexperience that TCS can't correct. For whatever reason, a slight jerk of the wheel one way and the over-corrected the other way to straighten it out and then it's all over.
That is weird that it happened for no apparent reason though. That's what they get for not buyin' an XJ!
Per Head Salesman here. NO traction control, only on cars and vans. Works off anti brakes. Really works good on the hemi 300s that I have drove. Jeeps and trks have anti slip. I see alot of liberys here in bodyshop that have lost control on bumps and went off road into trees. I THINK just me. To heavy in frt and to short of wheel base. Most of them have been in 4 wheel drive when it happened per customer. And going to fast for the road. Have an 06 in shop now 7953 est on it. Frontend and air bags. Checked the wheels out and they will go right on my 90xj and 91 yj. Pretty nice looking 5 spoke wheels.