Ya i saw those on motion. Its a bummer that they dont make them for 2 door xjs. So far i havent been able to find any retailer that sells tube doors for two doors. So im hoping that someone has the welding and bending skills to fab me up a pair.
1993 Jeep XJ "OH YA ITS WHITE" 1984 Mercedes 190e .... the "beaterbenz"
Talk to Lead Not Follow about the doors, he will know for sure if they will fit, If not I am betting Motion can get you a set, they will special order.
4 dr XJ door will not fit a 2dr. But I was going to get a set and cut them in the srtight part and add like 6'' of same size stock and clean it up and be all set. the 6'' maybe 9'' but which ever that would be a simple mod for 2wd tube drs to be had.
Shaffer's Offroad. They priced a set for my 83 Bronco. Cost was around $380.00. Heard about them in Peterson's 4-wheel. They used them on "clampy" an 86 Toy. They have info on them on their site (Petersons's). I also checked Shaffer's site, but only listed Toy stuff.
99 sport. rust bucket, DD, 3 car seats 04 wj (w/3 car seats too) DD duty for the lady
We can do a set built to your specs; we'd just have to have the XJ here while we were building them as we don't have any 2door's sitting around to build a set off of.
that would be AWESOME if you guys could start making those!! he's right, they are rather hard to find! i'd lend you my rig since i'm close, but that'd be hard since it's my DD.
SCORE!: 1996 Cherokee Sport, bone stock, excellent condition, one owner, with currently 47,000 ORIGINAL miles!!
CURRENTLY: 2001 Cherokee Limited 4-dr, 33" Uniroyal Liberator A/Ts, 6-8" well built custom lift (sorry, i haven't measured yet).
SOLD: Project Rig: 87 Cherokee Pioneer 4dr. bone stock now. coming soon: 3" budget lift, go completely doorless and chop the rear cargo area out.
The door hinges and the latch is different between the pre 97 and the post 97. We'd need whatever model here that you wanted built around; as we're not going to try to mod another set and "hope" it fits correctly.
We're in NE Indiana (46750).
Probally wouldn't be able to start on the doors till end of January as we have several other projects going on prior.